The aim of the After-LIFE plan is to design a management of the serpentine pines forest and the population of Minuartia smejkalii both in natural populations and in ex-situ cultures. At the same time, it proposes the continuation of the raising awareness of the local public and professionals.

The After LIFE plan is based on the results of the LIFE for Minuartia project, which are summarized bellow. Based on the SWOT analysis, key points have been identified that need to be addressed in the future. The After-LIFE Plan defines the objectives of management, education and awareness raising and comprehensively describes the methodological approaches, technical means, estimated budget for the next 5 years and possible sources of funding. At the same time, it lists strategic documents on which the subsequent care of the territory and species is based and the target groups that are responsible for the care of the territory, owners or administrators of land or are competent to comment activities in the affected areas.

The Czech version is available here.

English version is avaliable here.